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Yoga for eye-relaxation

Many of us spend a majority of our day in front of a computer screen, staring at documents, spreadsheets, and videos. This growth in “screen time” has increased the number of adults suffering blurred vision, headaches, and other symptoms of eye strain. When you read or watch something up close over an extended period of time, it reduces the flexibility of your eye muscles and tires them out.

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years, and every pose and exercise is targeted at improving specific organs of the body, promoting overall health and wellness. Believe it or not, there are even simple yoga exercises that are meant to relax the eyes and reduce eye strain!

They can be done at any time of day, anywhere you are, whether you are a beginner or long-time yogi. You don’t need a yoga mat for these exercises, all you need is a few minutes.


  1. Blinking

This may seem like an obvious one, but because we are now so often focused on our computer screens or smart phones, we actually don’t blink enough.

Open your eyes wide and blink quickly 10 times, then close your eyes for 20 seconds before repeating this exercise. Do this at least three times. This exercise helps the eye muscles relax and prevent dry eyes.


  1.  Palming

Sit still with your eyes closed and take deep breaths to relax yourself completely. Rub your palms together until they are warm, then gently place your palms over your eyelids without pressing into them. Allow the eyes to rest in complete darkness, feeling the warmth from your palms being transferred onto your eyes. You may choose to do this for a few seconds, or even a few minutes – either is fine. Whenever you’re ready, remove your hands from your face and open your eyes slowly.


  1. Eye Rotations

Sit up straight and take some deep breaths. Without moving your head, direct your gaze up towards the ceiling. Slowly move your eyes in a clockwise direction, tracing a large circle. Do this for one minute, then perform the same movements in an anti-clockwise direction. Repeat these three times, making sure your neck doesn’t move during the exercise. If you find this difficult at first, you can use your finger and move it in a circle, letting your eyes follow its movement.

These eye rotations can also be done from side to side.


  1. Focus switching

Look at the tip of your nose – then focus on a distant object – and back to the tip of your nose. When focusing on a distant object, do not squint or strain your eyes. Breathe in while looking at the tip of your nose, and exhale as you shift your gaze to a distant object. Do this at least 10 times.

Paired with an active lifestyle and healthy diet, these exercises can help reduce eye fatigue and strain.